Important News & Upcoming Events
Falcon Flyer - March 21
Read the latest news and information
PTSA Cultural Festival - May 1
Travel around the world to explore the many diverse heritages of Folly Quarter Middle School!
Spring Pictures - Order Your Pictures Today!
Lifetouch Photography - Use code EVT2H7WKH
Yearbooks Now on Sale 2024/2025
Order your 2024/25 Yearbook Today! Deadline to order is April 10!
PTSA Weekly News
Read the latest PTSA News
Health Room News - 2024/25
Important Immunization Information for Incoming 7th Grade Students - 2025/26
2025/26 Student Course Selection for Rising 7th and Rising 8th Grade Students
It is that time of the year for Rising 7th (current 6th) and Rising 8th (current 7th) grade students to select their courses for next year.
2024/25 Student Registration
Read further for 2024/25 student enrollment/transfer procedures
Attendance Policies
Email address for Absence notes, Early dismissals and Late arrivals:
Essential Applications & Resources
Essential Applications
Access your student’s information and classroom instructional tools
Browse breakfast and lunch menus with nutritional and allergen information
Check scholarships and prepare for college
Gain access to Canvas, G Suite and more instructional apps
Read guidance on expected student behavior
Pay for activities and events using a credit card
Download mobile applications for commonly used tools
Get bus pickup times and essential information
HCPSS Resources
View meal prices and make online payments
Reporting incidences of bullying
Access health, medication, athletic and additional forms
Get an overview of the HCPSS curriculum
Enroll your child in the school system
Read HCPSS policies set by the BOE
Get Involved
Complete a brief training before volunteering with us
Discuss district-wide curriculum initiatives
Take part in a county-level student organization