Important Dates
Orchestra Concert @MRHS, Tuesday, December 6 at 7 pm
RHHS & GHS to Visit 8th graders, December 12
Schools close 3 hours early, Wednesday, December 14
Falcon Day, December 23, afternoon
Schools & offices closed, Winter Break, December 26-January 2
PTSA Virtual Meeting, January 9 at 7 pm
FQMS Choral Concert @ RHHS, January 10 at 6-8 pm
FQMS Band Concert at RHHS, January 11 at 6-8 pm
FQMS Spelling Bee, January 11, 7:40 am
PTSA Fundraiser at Red Bird Bar & Grille, January 17
PTSA Snowflake Dance, January 25, 2:30-4:30
Folly Quarter News
Thanksgiving Baskets
A heartfelt “Thank You” to our generous Folly Quarter Community for the bounty that was collected for the Thanksgiving Baskets! The food you donated made a difference in the lives of so many folks this year.
Inclusive Schools Week (Mon. Dec. 5 -9 )
Since its inception in 2001, Inclusive Schools Week has celebrated the progress that schools have made in providing a supportive and quality education to an increasingly diverse student population, including students who are marginalized due to disability, gender, socio-economic status, cultural heritage, language preference, and other factors. The Week also provides an important opportunity for educators, students and parents to discuss what else needs to be done in order to ensure that their schools continue to improve their ability to successfully educate all children. To help celebrate and bring awareness, our students and staff will be participating in a spirit week next week.
12/5 = Rainbow Day! Wear the colors of the rainbow!
12/6 = Super Hero Day! Be a hero for inclusion!
12/7 = Pajama Day! Be comfortable. Be you!
12/8 = Mismatched Sock Day! Be unique. Be you!
12/9 = Blue & Yellow Day! Wear school colors to show we work together!
Helping Hands
Helping Hands would like to announce the start of their holiday collection for the Adopt A Family Giving Tree. Several Howard County families are being adopted by FQMS for the holiday season. This is a wonderful way to give to the community and help bring a little joy to a family who is experiencing hardship for the holiday season.
Here is the link to sign up to give. Any questions please contact Ms. Bader or Mrs. Hulett.
Computer Science Education Week (December 5 – 9)
The Hour of Code is a global movement that takes place every year during Computer Science Education Week December 5 – 9. Computer science is changing so many industries and every 21st-century student should have the opportunity to learn how to create technology. Computer science concepts also help nurture creativity and problem-solving skills to prepare students for any future career. That is why Folly Quarter Middle School will be joining HCPSS and the world in taking part in this coding event. Students will learn more about programming career pathways through the morning announcements that week. And, all students will participate in coding activities during one of their classes on Friday, December 9th.
Please make sure your student's chromebook is in their backpack when they come to school. We do not have enough loaners for all the students who forget. Thank you.