Health Room News - 2024/25

Thu, 05/30/2024 - 9:36am

Important Immunization Requirements for incoming 7th Grade students:

Effective the first day of school, 2024-2025, 1 dose of Tdap vaccine and 1 dose of Meningococcal vaccine will be required by the state of Maryland for all students entering Grade 7.  If we do not receive proof of these immunizations, your child will be excluded from school.  Many students may have already received these immunizations, but the Health Room may not have the updated immunization record.  Please contact your child’s doctor and send, via email or fax, an updated copy of your child’s immunizations to the Health Room.  Our fax # is (410) 531-2473. If you have further questions, please call our Health Room at (410) 313-1510​.  Thank You!


Medication Drop off reminder:

If your child will need medication during the school year, the attached medication form must be completed by your doctor or nurse practitioner.  Additional forms can be found on the HCPSS website. If your child will be in band, orchestra, or chorus next year, consider requesting the doctor to include a "self-carry/self-administer" order for your child's emergency medications (epipens, inhalers) for extended day and weekend field trips. Orders for each new school year must be dated on or after July 1.  All medications must be in containers properly labeled with the following information: 

  • Student Name    

  • Medication name

  • Dosage to be given

  • Time and frequency of medication

  • Date of medication order

  • Prescriber's name

  •  Expiration date of medication


Over-the-counter medications such as cold, allergy, and headache medications should be brought to the health room in new, unopened containers.

*Medications should be delivered to school by a parent/guardian to assure safe arrival.  Students should not transport medications.