Volunteers or Parent/Guardian Observing a Classroom
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the Howard County School System. We value our volunteers and the contributions they make to our students and schools. Only an approved chaperone can provide supervision to students on a field trip. A chaperone can be a parent of a participating student, an adult age 21 or older, or an employee. Chaperones must complete the Confidentiality Training and Child Abuse/ Neglect Training, be process through the visitor management system, and be approved by the principal to accompany and supervise students during the entirety of the field trip.
Your participation in this process helps make Howard County Public Schools a safer place to learn. We look forward to seeing you!
Volunteer Information https://www.hcpss.org/parents/volunteer-information/
Please note that when you click on a link, the forms will automatically download. Please bring both Certificates of Completion with you to school.
Confidentiality Training Link:
Google Slides version is on link above or
Print Version: https://www.hcpss.org/f/parents/volunteer-confidentiality-training.pdf.
Certificate of Completion: https://www.hcpss.org/f/parents/volunteer-confidentiality-certificate.pdf
Child Abuse Link:
Print Version: https://www.hcpss.org/f/employees/childabuse_ppt.pdf
Certificate of Completion: https://www.hcpss.org/f/parents/abuse_certificate.pdf
PTSA members help bring an ENTIRE year of programs to our school assisting in the enrichment of lives and educational experiences of our children, staff and community. PTSA Membership provides you with a voice on future programs and activities at FQMS. PTSA has a lot of great events and activities lined up for the school year, but we need volunteers and membership to be successful! We encourage all school stakeholders to get actively involved in the PTSA by visiting: https://fqmsptsa.memberhub.com/store and joining the PTSA. Our PTA helps fund programs and activities (listed below) for FQMS students, but we cannot do all this without your support and membership- Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Reflections Program, Honor Roll/Perfect Attendance Awards
- 8th Grade Volleyball Tournament Fundraiser, 8th Grade Celebration and activities,
- After School Activities, Gaming Tournaments, Paint Nite, Talent Showcase
- 6th grade Outdoor Education, Cultural Arts, Student Social Events
- Casey Cares Pajama Drive (April), Coat Drive (September), School Supply Drive (June), Community Outreach,
- Staff Appreciation, Flu Clinic
- School Store, Falcon Days, Spirit Wear, Book Fair
- and many, many more!
Please join today by visiting follyquarterpta.org and clicking on the yellow "Join" button.