Falcon Flyer - December 11, 2020

Falcon Flyer

December 11, 2020

FQMS Attendance Policies & Procedures For Distance Learning
Please email your absence notes/questions to: FQMSabsence@hcpss.org. The email should include the child's name, the date(s), or period(s) if absence is a partial day, of the absence, and the reason for the absence.  The email must be received within 5 days of the absence.  See HCPSS Policy 9010 for attendance policy details.

For Discretionary Absences (up to 3 per school year) see the form here: http://fqms.hcpss.org/sites/default/files/Discretionary%20Absence%20Form%20%28FILLABLE%29.pdf 
Please email the completed form to: FQMSabsence@hcpss.org.

For Religious Observances see the form attached here: http://fqms.hcpss.org/sites/default/files/religious-absence%20form%20%28fillable%29.pdf. Please forward this completed form to: FQMSabsence@hcpss.org.




Thank you to all of our staff and students who participated in Inclusive Schools Week activities!

Well Being and Mental Health Resources - We’ve updated our website:  http://fqms.hcpss.org/news/2020/12/well-being-and-mental-health-resources
to have a link front and center with supports for students and families.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out to administrators or counselors for support or with concerns.   Our counselors also share the following resources for families this week

Six strategies for teens:
1) Recognize that your anxiety is completely normal
2) Create distractions
3) Find new ways to connect with your friends
4) Focus on you
5) Feel your feelings
6) Be kind to yourself and others

Detailed strategies can be found HERE.
We are working collaboratively with all staff members to ensure that each student feels supported at FQMS. Please do not hesitate to reach out to FQMS staff if you have any questions or concerns.

Coffee with Mrs. Chrobak -  On Tuesday, 12/15 at 8 a.m.  Mrs. Chrobak will be holding a drop in session for any students or parents/families that have questions, concerns or just want to check in - the google meet code is:  Coffee with Chrobak. 


Parents of 8th Graders -  Please ensure that you check for emails regarding the upcoming required Homerooms (SEL) to review course requests and high school visit, parent night information (students also receive information in Canvas).

A few 8th grade important reminders:

  • 12/14 -  During the Homeroom/SEL Period - ALL 8th graders should attend -  overview of high school course request process
  • 12/15 - Students view Video Presentation from their high school
  • 12/16 -  High School Virtual Visits for Q&A
  • 12/21 -  During Homeroom/SEL Period -  ALL 8th graders should attend -  follow up and support for high school course placement process

*Details for these events are posted on the FQMS homepage under HS Course Registration (for current 8th graders)

Virtual Falcon Day December 23! Attention all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. On Wednesday, December 23rd from 9 - 10 am, please join FQMS's for our first Virtual Falcon Day!! Students will have the opportunity to select from a variety of fun activities to engage in with their classmates and teachers. Be on the lookout for an email next week outlining the activities and google meet codes.

Have a wonderful weekend,
Megan Chrobak

December is "Return ALL Overdue Books" Month! We have more than 200 books still overdue from last school year.  We need to get these books back on our shelves and inventoried.  Please help by bringing all overdue books to Folly Quarter Middle School and dropping them off in the box outside the main entrance.  Emails were sent to parents last week.  Notices will be sent by snail mail soon, so to save trees and postage, please return the books as soon as possible.  Thank you.


BEE Season is Coming!  FQMS Scripps National Spelling BEE- Wednesday, January 13th 1:00 pm. Students may sign up at FQMSGT.weebly.com.  This is the first year for this virtual online format and we are proud to offer this opportunity to our students. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we explore this new format. Our Spelling Bee competition will be held online during our asynchronous work day and does not excuse students from class assignments. Students must be signed into their HCPSS G-Suite/GAfE Account in the same browser before filling out online registration form.


FQMS Adopt-A-Family - A huge thank you for all the families and staff that donated gifts for the FQMS Adopt-a-Family.  Your thoughtfulness and generosity will bring joy this holiday season.  Thank you!

The Great Lisbon Farmers Feed the Hungry Christmas Parade may be going high tech in 2020 but donation boxes have been set up at Kendall Hardware, Boarman's Old Fashioned Meat Market and TLV Tree Farm.  Please consider donating canned goods so that no one goes hungry this winter.  Donations will be accepted until 12/31.   Sponsorships are also available and funds will support Howard County Food Bank,  Carroll County Food Sunday, Farmers & Hunters Feeding the Hungry and the Lisbon Volunteer Fire Department. 

There will be a virtual parade broadcasted on 12/31, check out Lisbon Christmas Parade on facebook for more information.


HCPSS Technology Help

Please see our website for technology help resources.



Please visit the Community News and Programs page (http://www.hcpss.org/community-news-and-programs/) on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.