Falcon Flyer - June 11, 2021

Falcon Flyer

June 11, 2021


FQMS Attendance Policies & Procedures For Distance Learning
Please email your absence notes/questions to: FQMSabsence@hcpss.org. The email should include the child's name, the date(s), or period(s) if absence is a partial day, of the absence, and the reason for the absence.  The email must be received within 5 days of the absence.  See HCPSS Policy 9010 for attendance policy details.

For Discretionary Absences (up to 3 per school year) see the form here: http://fqms.hcpss.org/sites/default/files/Discretionary%20Absence%20Form%20%28FILLABLE%29.pdf 
Please email the completed form to: FQMSabsence@hcpss.org.

For Religious Observances see the form attached here: http://fqms.hcpss.org/sites/default/files/religious-absence%20form%20%28fillable%29.pdf. Please forward this completed form to: FQMSabsence@hcpss.org.

Early Dismissal - If you have to take your child out of in person school early, please call in advance.  You MUST present your driver’s license when you arrive.  A work ID is not valid

Withdrawals from HCPSS - If your child will not be returning next year, please complete the attached form and return it to ljsmith@hcpss.org. Withdrawal Request.pdf 




Good Afternoon FQMS Family,
This week we have had many wonderful celebrations!  Congratulations to all of our 8th graders for your celebration this week and a big thank you to PTSA and staff for all the planning and support.

Also, thank you so much to many of our staff members who are making the Spring PBIS celebrations (6/10 and 6/14) possible for both hybrid and virtual students. We are so grateful to be able to celebrate all students have accomplished this year!

MARK YOUR CALENDAR - Summer Meet and Greet Opportunities - We are excited to once again host meet and greets for rising 5th graders, new students and any other students who would like to get to know us better!   Admin. and some staff will be present to have some fun and answer questions.  All events are completely outdoors and occurring at FQMS!  The following are the dates/times and themes for each event:

July 7th  9-10:30 a.m. - Outdoor Chalk Art
July 13th  9 -10:30 a.m. - Kickball Game
August 16th  9 - 10:30 - Outdoor Game Time

Please contact Mrs. Chrobak with any questions. 

Mrs. Chrobak



Three-Hour Early Dismissal Schedule - Schools will close 3 hours early on June 10, 11, 14 & 15.  FQMS will dismiss at 11:45. Here is the schedule. 3 Hour Early Dismissal Schedules.FQMS-1.docx 


2020/2021 Memory Book/Yearbook Distribution - A/B Students (in school): Will receive theirs on Thursday 6/10 and Monday 6/14. Virtual Students: Contactless pick up will be available (from the school entrance) on Monday 6/14 12:30-3:30 and Tuesday 6/15 from 12:30-3:30.  We have a small number of Memory Books available for sale. We can accept checks only, made out to LifeTouch. They are $25 for soft cover and $30 for hard cover.



VIRTUAL ART SHOW ~ Artwork from 2020-2021 students. We are so proud of all that the students accomplished this year Virtual, Hybrid and in person. The work speaks for itself in how each child dedicated themselves this year to creating meaningful and beautiful art. Please look throughout the slides to see all of our talented students.


NOTE: these images are from student submissions.

Student Immunization Clinics at HCHD - Have a student that needs Tdap, MCV4, Varicella, MenB or HPV?

When: Every Thursday afternoon in June from 1:00-3:30pm
Location: Howard County Health Department 8930 Stanford Blvd, Columbia MD 21045
How: Call 410-313-7500 to make an appointment.

Bring your immunization record!



Effective the first day of school, 2021-2022, 1 dose of Tdap vaccine and 1 dose of Meningococcal vaccine will be required by the state of Maryland for all students entering Grade 7.  If we do not receive proof of these immunizations, your child will be excluded from school.  Many students may have already received these immunizations, but the Health Room may not have the updated immunization record.  Please contact your child’s doctor and send via email/fax in an updated copy of your child’s immunizations to the Health Room.  Our fax # is (410) 531-2473.

If you have further questions, please call our Health Room at (410) 313-1510
Thank you!
Laura Smith, Cluster Nurse   Laura_Smith1@hcpss.org
Adrian McNeil, Health Assistant   Adrian_McNeil@hcpss.org


RHHS Summer Camp - RHHS Summer Camp information to E&M schools.pdf 

RHHS Cheer Camp



8th Grade!   Congratulations and good luck on your future endeavors!    

PTA 2021-2022 Board Members:   President- Lisa Hirrlinger, Vice President- Kristi Nester, Treasurer- Tim Hwu, Secretary- Diane Levy, PTACHC 1st Delegate- Ellen Sowry.   
Thank you for your time and commitment to serving our FQMS community.  

PTA volunteer openings are still available and we need you!  We still have several openings to fill for the 2021-2022 PTA.  Do you want to get involved in the FQMS community, meet people and make a difference?  We have a variety of positions during the school year that vary in time commitments. PTACHC Delegate 2, 6th grade rep, Boxtops/Ink cartridges, Brick Garden, Community Outreach, Cultural Arts, Fundraising, Membership, School Wide Dance, Student events, Volunteer Coordinator to name a few.   For more information, please contact FQMSPTA.President@gmail.com.  We sure could use your help!


PTA Brick Garden - Please see the link for the PTSA Brick Garden Flash Sale fundraiser. Brick Order Form 2021-1-1.pdf 


Used Clothing Donation Shed - The donation shed located in the parking lot at FQMS is open.  Please make sure all donations are tied off in bags and deposited inside the shed.  If it is full, please do not leave your items outside as they get thrown away.  Thank you for your donations!


Spirit Wear - Get ready for back to school with a Folly t-shirt, sweatshirt or facemask!  Check it out here.

FQMS Staff Shout-out - FQMS PTSA is so appreciative of the FQMS staff and how hard they work on behalf of our students on a daily basis. Please take a minute to share some positive encouragement for staff members that make a positive impact for you or your family. To uplift any FQMS staff member who goes above and beyond to support, show care, connect, build community or anything else that positively impacts students and families, click on this link. This form goes to FQMS Administration for us to celebrate the staff member.  Your comments often come at a time when staff needs that virtual hug.   




If you have an immediate need for help with depression, suicidal thoughts, or other serious mental health issues, please contact:

Grassroots Crisis Intervention at 410-531-6677
The Maryland Crisis Hotline: Dial 211 and then choose option 1
The Crisis Text Line: Text 741741 and a trained counselor will respond.
The National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255


HCPSS Technology Help

Please see our website for technology help resources.


From the Math Team - We are aware of the concerns for students ending their current math course next month and/or students needing a refresher before they begin their math course in February.  A resource recommended by our HCPSS math office is the “Getting Ready for…” courses in Khan Academy.  If your child is getting ready to start a course, they should complete the “Getting Ready” for that course.  These lessons and activities will review their previous math course.

If your child will finish math in January and wants to maintain skills from February to August, they can complete the “Getting ready for” the next course over this time period. This should review and reinforce the skills just taught in their Semester 1 class.

Here is the progression of courses:

Math 6 -> Math 7-> Math 8 (6th gr GT Pre Algebra) -> Algebra 1 -> Geometry -> Algebra II

 To access the Getting Ready for … courses, use this link to the HCPSS Family Math Support Center and use the “Middle School Math” drop down menu.  For students finishing Geometry, links for getting ready for Algebra II are on the High School drop down.