Falcon Flyer - September 17, 2021

Falcon Flyer 9/17

Hello FQMS Families,

We hope that you are well!   Our warmest wishes go out to all who celebrated Yom Kippur this week.   As many families discovered through our Positive Office Referral Phone calls/emails home - we celebrate many things about our students beyond just academics.  We also celebrate specific factors that we feel lead to student success (not just academically but holistically) and want to share those with you - as you will hear us refer to them throughout the year.  These student success factors are also tied in directly with our PBIS programming.   We want to encourage our students in these areas and celebrate and recognize them when we see these attributes - we would LOVE for you to reinforce and utilize some of this language at home as well.


FQMS Student Success Factors:

Curiosity-  eager to explore new things, asks questions to learn, takes an active interest in learning


Gratitude - recognizes others’ efforts,  shows appreciation for opportunities, says thank you and tries to Be the Good for others


Grit - finishes things when they feel like quitting, sticks with a project or hard task, stays committed to a goal, even after experiencing failure


Optimism - believes that effort can improve a situation, stays motivated even if things didn’t go well, believes in the possibility of improvement


Self Control (School Work): comes to class prepared, remembers and follows directions,  gets to work right away, pays attention 


Self Control (Interpersonal):  remains calm,  allows others to speak without interrupting, is polite to peers and adults


Social Intelligence:  able (and willing) to find solutions to conflict,  cares for others’ feelings, adapts to different social situations


Zest:   actively participates, shows enthusiasm, approach new situations with excitement and energy

Be the Good - See the Good Celebrations: 

As of today we have 16 Peer to Peer Shout Outs (we started piloting these in Health classes on Wednesday),  141 Staff Shout Outs and 85 Positive Office Referrals!  Thank you to staff, students and community for continuing to focus on our Be the Good - See the Good efforts this year!


Mr. D’Antuono - organizing and sharing information about GT seminars


Mrs. Coonts and Mrs. Luongo - (our amazing school counselors) for all the support they have already provided to students and families this school year!


Ms. McLarty - for helping us develop and trial a peer to peer Be the Good- See the Good classmate recognition form


Feel free to share a shout out that you have for staff here:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdgiRN0Z4Q87KFbDocH5rGV27_e9fVd3IU4H6b1wdk4efpKNg/viewform?usp=sf_link


Families - thank you to all who logged into our PTSA meeting - we appreciate your partnership! Thank you to everyone who submitted their family file!


Thank you to all families that have submitted a staff shout out - these absolutely MAKE our day!



David M - (6th grade) - showed grit in a class


Hazel T -(6th grade) - demonstrating optimism, joy and kindness


Tishe P - (7th grade) - for showing social intelligence/care and concern for others


Caleb G - (7th Grade) - always showing zest and optimism


Sidney S (8th grade) - for showing social intelligence and helping others


Tomi M (8th Grade) - is always kind and polite


Savannah (8th Grade) - is kind, optimistic, and positive


Brendan D (8th Grade) - shows zest for learning and school


Calendar Reminders:

Picture Day 9/22 


From the FQMS Gifted & Talented Department - Student Instructional Seminar enrollment is happening now!  Falcon Watch, Film Productions, Photojournalism, Philosophy, Math & Logic, Writers’ Workshop, Book Club and more! Check out FQMSGT.Weebly.com for information about Seminar offerings this year!  These seminars are open to all students.

 Falcon Watch will be recognizing our students by announcing their birthdays on the daily closed-circuit television broadcast.  Please let us know if you would not like to have your child’s birthday recognized.


September is Suicide Prevention Month - Social emotional well-being is essential as we transition into a new school year, which for many has presented new challenges, anxiety, and emotional distress. As we recognize these challenges, it is important that we continue to educate ourselves and empower our school communities to engage in prevention efforts. Below are resources for you to share with students, staff, and families.


Informational Resources:


Crisis Resources: 

  • Grassroots 24 Hour Crisis Hotline/ Mobile Crisis Team – 410-531-6677

  • Text NAMI to 741-741 to be connected to a free, trained crisis counselor on the Crisis Text Line.

  • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255 


For additional information, visit the HCPSS Mental Health and Wellness webpage.


Student Picture Day is Wednesday, 9/22 - You can order pictures on mylifetouch.com with the School ID: EVTCVMC79.  Picture Day Safety Protocols can be found here. https://lifetouch.com/newpicturedayexperience/?utm_source=ExactTarget&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=PPD_F21_Pr21_US&utm_content=covid&utm_medium=email%e2%80%8b&utm_source=ExactTarget%e2%80%8b&utm_campaign=PPD_F21_Pr21_US%e2%80%8b&utm_content=covid

Picture Day Volunteers Needed - We need 2  parent volunteers for Picture Day.  If you can volunteer, please contact Mrs. Johnson at margaret_johnson@hcpss.org.  Picture Day volunteers will receive one free portrait package.  Please see important volunteer information below.

VOLUNTEER Information - please see the important information regarding volunteer status beginning in October.   As of October, volunteers working directly with students will be required to show proof of vaccination or a negative Covid 19 test (within 7 days).   Additional information from HCPSS can be found here:  https://help.hcpss.org/health-safety/volunteer-proof-of-vaccination

As a reminder - all parent volunteers are required to complete the volunteer trainings annually: https://www.hcpss.org/parents/volunteer-information/

Please email your completion confirmation to Clara Fritsch and Megan Chrobak.