Falcon Flyer - September 24, 2021

Falcon Flyer

September 24, 2021

Absences - Absence notes must be received in writing from a parent/guardian within  5 days of an absence.  Please send all attendance correspondence to: fqmsabsence@hcpss.org

For Discretionary Absences (up to 3 per school year) see the form here: http://fqms.hcpss.org/sites/default/files/Discretionary%20Absence%20Form%20%28FILLABLE%29.pdf 
Please email the completed form to: FQMSabsence@hcpss.org.

For Religious Observances see the form attached here: http://fqms.hcpss.org/sites/default/files/religious-absence%20form%20%28fillable%29.pdf. Please forward this completed form to: FQMSabsence@hcpss.org.

Early Dismissal - If you have to take your child out of school early, please call in advance,  or send your child in with a note for the front office. You MUST present your driver’s license when you arrive.  A work ID is not valid.




Happy Friday Falcon Family,
We continue to be proud of the hard work of our students and staff. As a reminder, MCAP testing will occur next week on 9/28 and 9/30.  Mrs. Hewitt sent out detailed reminders to support students and families. Also at FQMS, we are excited to recognize and celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.  We are so proud of our students!  

Car rider reminders -  PLEASE follow all directions of the outdoor staff.  We ask that families watch their speed when leaving the parking lot. Also, please do NOT pass other cars in the line - unless specifically directed by a staff member. We know everyone is busy, but nothing is more important than the safety of our kids, staff and families. 

Reminders - Adult supervision for car riders/drop offs begins at 7:15 and the building opens at 7:25 (unless we have severe weather)

Dismissal does not begin for car riders until 2:25

Health and Safety Reminders - Please ensure that you do your child’s health check daily and do not send sick children to school under any circumstances.  We are very grateful for your continued cooperation and support in this area.

NEWS FROM THE HEALTH ROOM - Folly Quarter will be holding an onsite flu clinic for all students and staff on Wednesday, October 27th.  Additional details including a link to the required consent form will be sent out in the coming weeks. Flu shots are currently being offered at CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid Pharmacies as well. Please contact our nurse at Laura_Smith1@hcpss.org with any questions.

Listen and Learn Session for Area 1 Schools - Community Superintendent Mr. Patrick Saunderson and the Howard County Association of Student Councils (HCASC) present to you Area 1's 1st Quarterly Listen & Learn session on September 30,, 2021 from 7:00pm-8:00pm.

What do you want our HCPSS leaders to know about the student experience?  HCASC welcomes ALL middle or high school students in the HCPSS Area 1 cluster (FQMS is in Area 1) to this virtual event. Share your ideas and provide constructive feedback with HCPSS education leaders and decision makers! Students will receive a Zoom link and details on how to join the virtual event once they RSVP with their HCPSS email account!  Sign Up Information here.

The Office of World Languages will be testing our Heritage Speakers of Spanish to establish high school placement on November 3, 2021. Here is more information on the program.


BSAP Saturday Math Academy 

HCPSS Partnership Information for this school year 

MLK, Jr. Writing contest - MLK Contest Fliers.pdf 



Join the PTA by going here and clicking on the join button.  Every member counts and we need your support this year.

Coat Drive - cold weather gear, including coats, jackets, scarves, hat and gloves are needed for all ages, infant to adult-  We are collecting at FQMS up until October.  Please drop off in the bins at FQMS.  Thank you for your donations!  

After School Activities:

Math Club

HCYP FQMS Basketball

PTSA needs YOU!  We still have several openings to fill for the 2021-2022 PTSA.  Do you want to get involved in the FQMS community, meet people and make a difference?  Check out our Signup Genius and volunteer today at this link.  For more information, please contact FQMSPTA.President@gmail.com.  Most positions do not require a lot of time, but we sure could use your help!

Reflections - Committee Chair needed.  Please email FQMSPTA.President@gmail.com.  This is a short term job with minimal hours.  Theme of the Reflections program for this school year is "I Will Change the World By..".

After School Activities - Do you have a great idea for an after school activity that you want to run with?  Let's chat.  Contact Janak Rajani at 443-518-9699 or email SendYourReply@gmail.com. Stay tuned for upcoming after school activities.

Sketchbooks - Art sketchbooks are available to purchase at the School Store for $10 during lunch time Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays.

School Store - The School Store will be open during lunch hours on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  If you are interested in volunteering to help run the school store during school lunch, please email FQMSPTA.President@gmail.com

Used Clothing Donation Shed - The donation shed located in the parking lot at FQMS is open.  Please make sure all donations are tied off in bags and deposited inside the shed. If it is full, please do not leave your items outside as they get thrown away. Thank you for your donations!

Spirit Wear - Get ready for back to school with a Folly t-shirt, sweatshirt or facemask!  Check it out here.

FQMS Staff Shout-Out 



If you have an immediate need for help with depression, suicidal thoughts, or other serious mental health issues, please contact:

Grassroots Crisis Intervention at 410-531-6677
The Maryland Crisis Hotline: Dial 211 and then choose option 1
The Crisis Text Line: Text 741741 and a trained counselor will respond.
The National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255