Falcon Flyer, October 15, 2021

Falcon Flyer

October 15, 2021

Absences - Absence notes must be received in writing from a parent/guardian within  5 days of an absence.  Please send all attendance correspondence to: fqmsabsence@hcpss.org

For Discretionary Absences (up to 3 per school year) see the form here: http://fqms.hcpss.org/sites/default/files/Discretionary%20Absence%20Form%20%28FILLABLE%29.pdf 
Please email the completed form to: FQMSabsence@hcpss.org.

For Religious Observances see the form attached here: http://fqms.hcpss.org/sites/default/files/religious-absence%20form%20%28fillable%29.pdf. Please forward this completed form to: FQMSabsence@hcpss.org.

Early Dismissal - If you have to take your child out of school early, please call in advance,  or send your child in with a note for the front office. You MUST present your driver’s license when you arrive.  A work ID is not valid.




Greetings Folly Quarter Families,


It’s hard to believe we are midway through October already. Students and staff are settling into school routines and we see strong engagement from students every day. 


This week during Falcon Time homeroom, we reviewed some HCPSS policies and Folly Quarter expectations. We want to ensure Folly Quarter Middle School continues to be an optimal learning environment for all.  


We reviewed the following topics: Being on time to all classes, consuming edible items in the cafeteria only, dressing to impress while being comfortable during various learning activities, and cell phone use.


On the topic of cell phones, as the year has progressed we are noticing more and more students using them during the school day. This includes corresponding via text, use of social media platforms, taking pictures and making videos. Since the August orientations for all three grade level students, we have shared that while phones are allowed at school, they must be “off and away” upon entrance to the building and throughout the school day until the students exit the building at dismissal. 


If you need to message your child, please contact the office so we can deliver the message. We don’t want to put Falcon students in a precarious position of having to make the choice of responding to a text from parents or not following school expectations. We appreciate your support on this matter.


Enjoy the weekend!



Michele Hewitt

Assistant Principal


Updated Volunteer/Observer Vaccine Requirements - Effective Monday, October 25, all volunteers and chaperones who interact with students, and parents/guardians who are conducting classroom observations will be required to use the PinPoint platform to show proof of full vaccination at least five school days in advance. The requirement also applies to students who volunteer or mentor at another HCPSS school during the school day, but not to students who go to the ARL or another school as part of their class schedule. Learn how to access and use the PinPoint VaccineCheck platform.


Gifted &  Talented Advisor Council Parent Representative


From the PTSA


GHS Play - “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”


HC Drug Free




If you have an immediate need for help with depression, suicidal thoughts, or other serious mental health issues, please contact:

Grassroots Crisis Intervention at 410-531-6677
The Maryland Crisis Hotline: Dial 211 and then choose option 1
The Crisis Text Line: Text 741741 and a trained counselor will respond.
The National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255


HCPSS Technology Help

Please see our website for technology help resources.