Falcon Flyer
August 26, 2022
Important Dates- First Day of School for Students - Monday, August 29
- Labor Day - Schools and Offices Closed - Monday, September 5
- Back to School Night - Thursday, September 8 at 6:00pm
- Individual Fall Pictures - Monday, September 19
- Schools and Offices Closed - Monday, September 26
Student schedules may not be completely finalized until the first day of school as we still are balancing classes and enrolling new students. Please check HCPSS Connect on August 29 for any changes. Thank you.
Orientation Presentation - In case you missed it on August 25, you can see the Orientation Presentation on our website here.
HCPSS Student Code of Conduct and Student/Parent Handbook: Please take time to review the HCPSS student code of conduct and handbook. Your student will be provided this information in the first few days of school.
HCPSS Student & Parent Handbook
Student Schedules: Students have access to their scheduled courses in Synergy. We strongly encourage each student to review their courses for accuracy. Student schedules may not be finalized until the first day of school as we still are balancing classes and enrolling new students. Final schedules will be viewable on HCPSS Connect on August 29. Please reach out to your child’s counselor if you have any questions:
Mrs Downey (students LAST NAME A-L): allie_downey@hcpss.org
Mrs. Coonts (students LAST NAME M-Z) emelia_coonts@hcpss.org (Corrected email)
Lockers: Students can access their locker numbers and codes via “Student Info.” on Synergy.
Student Devices: To help remove technology barriers and advance equitable student learning outcomes, HCPSS has moved to a 1:1 student-to-device ratio. All students have or will be provided with a Chromebook. These devices are required for all county and state testing and assessments.
If a student has not been issued a HCPSS device, they will report to the Media Center to be assigned a device on Monday, August 29.
Don't miss HCPSS’s new webpage for everything technology!
Cell Phones: Upon arrival at school, students must keep their cell phones ‘OFF and AWAY’ in their locker or backpack. Please review HCPSS Policy 8080 with your student. All students must abide by Board of Education Policy 8080 Responsible Use of Technology, Digital Tools, and Social Media, and specifically Standard E. Student Use-Technology, which states that “HCPSS permits students to bring personal technology devices to school, according to the following rules:
Middle Schools – Students:
Students will not use personal technology devices during non-instructional time, to include but not limited to transition between classes, lunch, recess, or in bathrooms.
A school administrator may, on occasion, authorize the use of personal technology devices for special events and/or for positive behavioral supports and interventions.