Register by June 1 for 2023-2024 Bus Service
Families whose children are eligible for bus transportation must register through HCPSS Connect Synergy to receive bus service for the 2023-2024 school year. Visit for instructions on how to register and more information. We don’t want any students who qualify for transportation to be without a bus if they rely on that to get to and from school. Please contact the school if you need help registering your child. Please contact the HCPSS Office of Transportation,, or call 410-313-6732 if you have questions related to your eligibility to receive bus service. You may also find several frequently asked questions online. Families who reside in non-transportation areas are not eligible for bus transportation and do not need to take any action. Find the new non-transportation areas for your school online. Students who receive transportation as part of their Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan do not need to register.Thank you