Back to School Night - September 7

Back to School Night at Folly Quarter Middle

When:  September 7, 2023 at 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Back to Band Session for Parents and Guardians of students enrolled in Band at 5:30 PM in the cafeteria.

We are excited to welcome each and every family to the 2023 Back to School Night at Folly Quarter Middle School. Our classroom doors will open at 6:00 PM. We would like all families to arrive to first period by 6:10 PM. We provided a little extra time for parking, talking with the PTA and more. We encourage you to carpool, if possible, as parking is limited. Please do not block a firelane so we have full access to the building. You can also park at Triadelphia Ridge Elementary and there is a walking path between our schools.

What should I bring?

Although we encourage you to bring a copy of your child’s schedule with you, there will be a copy waiting for you in your child’s first period class.   All you really need to know when you arrive is your child’s first period teacher and room number.  You may want to bring something so that you can take notes, if needed. 

How do I access my child’s schedule?

If you want to bring a copy of your child’s schedule, or if you need to confirm your child's period 1 teacher, you can access your child's schedule by visiting, click on SYNERGY, and then click “Class Schedule” from the menu. 

Please ask your child where their first period class is so you are able to find period 1 to begin the evening. Maps will be provided in the lobby. 

What You Can Expect?

Back to School Night will allow you to visit your child’s classrooms and to meet the professionals who teach them. You will start in First period where we will start with our welcome from the Administration and PTA. You will then have the opportunity to travel around the building to each of your child’s classes and get to know your child’s teachers better. Each class visit is only eight minutes, which is a great way for the teacher to talk to all parents at once. That said,  if there is something that you would like to address with a teacher, we want to give you the time and attention you deserve which cannot be achieved on Back to School Night.  If this is the case, we respectfully request that you either contact the teacher directly. Staff contact information is located here.

You will also have the opportunity to sign up for our PTA which does so much for our school. We appreciate the membership and donations as it directly supports the students and staff at Folly Quarter Middle School. Please consider joining as we could not do a lot of the exciting initiatives for our kids without our PTA! 

We know you are wondering if you should bring your student with you.  Space is at a premium. Imagine 690 students, plus parents trying to move from class to class. If you are able, we ask that you come to Back to School Night without your child as space will be limited. We have plenty of staff to help guide you where to go as well as maps. 

Schedule for the Evening: Please see chart below for class times. Please arrive at your child’s first period for important information by 6:10 PM.





Back to Band Session for Parents/Families

 in the Cafeteria with Mr. Spang

6:00 – 6:10

Arrival for parents and families

PTSA information and table in lobby

 Map available in lobby

Locate first period classroom

Receive Schedule in Period 1

6:10 - 6:38

Welcome and Information from Mr. Babe, Mrs. Hewitt and PTSA in Period 1 

6:42 – 6:50

Period 2 

6:54- 7:02

Period 3 

7:06 - 7:14

Period 4 

7:18- 7:26

Period 5

7:30 - 7:38

Period 6

7:42 - 7:50

Period 7

 Families report to Quarter 1 classes only and do not report to Falcon Time Homeroom or lunch period on their student’s schedule.

We look forward to seeing you and partnering with you in your child’s education. Thank you for your time, your support, and your commitment to your child’s success. ​​​​​​​