Falcon Flyer - September 2, 2022

Falcon Flyer

September 2, 2022

Important Dates

  • Labor Day - Schools and Offices Closed - Monday, September 5
  • Back to School Night - Thursday, September 8 at 6:00pm
  • School Dance - ALL students welcome - Friday, September 16
  • Individual Fall Pictures - Monday, September 19
  • PTSA Virtual Meeting - Monday, September 19 at 7pm Code: FQMSPTSA22
  • Schools and Offices Closed - Monday, September 26

Folly Quarter News

Thank you for a great first week!  We are thrilled to have our students back in the building and thriving.  We appreciate your partnership as we journey together through this new school year.

‘A new school year means new beginnings, new adventures, new friendships, and new challenges.  The slate is clean and anything can happen.’ Denise Witmer


Family File:  We still have over 100 families that need to complete the FAMILY FILE through HCPSS Connect.  This information is important in the event that we need to communicate with you in an emergency.  Please take a few minutes to complete the family file for your student.  

Student Routines:  Your students are off to a great start establishing routine here at Folly Quarter.  Please provide support at home as they navigate homework, classroom expectations, morning wake up, lockers, and much more.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at school.  

Bus Transportation: Fare-Free Bus Rides - Public buses are fare-free to start the school year, no passes needed. This applies to students and families and should be promoted via school communications. Direct questions to Caroline Walker, Executive Director of Program Innovation & Student Well-Being.



Our PTSA continues to provide so many opportunities for our students and families.  Additionally, they support the work we do in the classroom.  Thank you for your continued partnership with Folly Quarter - we appreciate you!
Stay Connected to Folly Quarter by visiting our website for the latest news and information!