Falcon Flyer - September 9, 2022

Falcon Flyer

September 9, 2022

Important Dates

  • School Dance - ALL students welcome - Friday, September 16*
  • Individual Fall Pictures - Monday, September 19
  • PTSA Virtual Meeting - Monday, September 19 at 7pm Code: FQMSPTSA22
  • Schools and Offices Closed - Monday, September 26

* Tickets must be purchased in advance here.

Folly Quarter News

Thanks to everyone who joined us for Back-to-School Night! It was great to meet our new families and see some familiar faces again!

Family File -  We still have over 70 families that need to complete the FAMILY FILE through HCPSS Connect.  This information is important in the event that we need to communicate with you in an emergency.  Please take a few minutes to complete the family file for your student.  

Homework  Help - Does your child need a few minutes to touch base about homework before period 1? Mrs. Ewart and Ms. Marusich are available every morning in the FQ Media Center to help students in grades 6, 7, 8 from 7:20am-7:35am. No reservation needed, just stop by the FQ Media Center.

Student Picture Day & Volunteer Needed! - Student picture day is Monday, September 19 starting at 7:40 am.  Picture flyers will come home with students next Wednesday.  You can order  your portraits online at mylifetouch.com with Picture Day ID: EVTMTQWGH. We will need one parent volunteer to help us with Picture Day.  The volunteer will receive a free portrait package!  Please email margaret_johnson@hcpss.org if you are available to volunteer on September 19 from 7:30 - 10 am.  Thank you!

6th Grade Team Building Trip Optional T-Shirts - Shirts can be ordered through our custom online store via Custom Ink. Shirts are not required for this trip but are a great way to commemorate the experience.

Instructional Seminars Starting Soon! - We hope you have all had a great start to your school year. GT Instructional Seminars will be starting in a few weeks. Seminars take place during the school day, cover many interesting topics, and are open to everyone! For more information and to sign up visit http://fqmsgt.weebly.com/fqms-gt-instructional-seminars.html

From the Falcon Watch Studio - Falcon Watch is the student-run daily television newscast of Folly Quarter.  Falcon Watch is an Instructional Seminar that is open to all students.  As part of building community, Falcon Watch takes time to recognize the birthday of each of our students.  Please let us know if you would like to have your child’s birthday omitted from being broadcasted by emailing:  vincente_d'antuono@hcpss.org

Clubs and Intramurals - We are developing our catalog of options for clubs and intramurals which will begin in October.  More information will be shared in the coming weeks.



Absences - Absence notes must be received in writing (email or note) from a parent/guardian within 5 days of an absence.  Please send all attendance correspondence to: FQMSabsence@hcpss.org.

Late Arrivals - Students must be in first period by 7:40 am. Please make sure your child is accompanied into the building by either an adult or a note explaining the reason for the late arrival.

Early Dismissal - If you have to take your child out of school early, please email FQMSabsence@hcpss.org, send your child in with a note for the front office, or call in advance. You MUST present your driver’s license when you arrive.  A work ID is not valid.

For Discretionary Absences (up to 3 per school year) see the form here.
Please email the completed form to: FQMSabsence@hcpss.org.

For Religious Observances see the form here. Please forward this completed form to: FQMSabsence@hcpss.org.