Important Dates
- Schools and Offices Closed - Monday, September 26
- 6th Grade Team Building Field Trip - Wednesday, September 28
- Clarksville Chick-fil-A FQMS PTSA Fundraiser - Monday, October 3, 6am - 10 pm
- Schools & Offices Closed, Yom Kippur - Wednesday, October 5
- PTSA Virtual Meeting, Monday, October 10 at 7pm Code: FQMSPTSA22
- Schools Closed - Professional Work Day MSEA Convention- Friday, October 21
- Schools Closed - Professional Learning for Staff - Monday, October 24
Folly Quarter News
Flu Vaccines
Flu vaccinations are coming to your child’s school on October 25, 2022. They will be given at NO CHARGE TO YOU. Now, more than ever, it is important to protect your family through vaccinations! If you would like your child to be vaccinated, you must register BEFORE Friday, October 20. Fill out the consent form online here.MAP is the Measures of Academic Progress assessment.
Most students in grades 2-8 will take the assessment in the area of reading and math. The data from the MAP assessment will help schools and teachers measure growth from the fall MAP administration to the late winter MAP administration.
- Will my child participate? Yes. However, if your child is in 8th grade ELA-GT or a high school assessed math class including: regular or GT Geometry, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, they are exempt from participating in MAP reading and math this school year.
- What device should my child use to participate in MAP? Their HCPSS issued chromebook
- How & when will MAP take place? Eligible students will participate in MAP in their math classes the week of Sept. 27 and in ELA classes the week of Oct. 10.
- Will MAP impact my child’s grades? The MAP assessment does not affect grades and the difficulty adjusts depending on how your child responds. It is normal for students to only answer about half the questions correctly.
HS Credit Courses
Please note that any middle school student enrolled in a high school level course who withdraws after the published withdrawal date of October 4, 2022 will receive a “W” on their high school transcript. A “W” (Withdrawal) code will be used to indicate that a student withdrew from a course more than 24 days from the start of the course, and did not transfer into another level of the same course. Courses with W codes will not receive credit. Courses* this policy applies to include:- ESOL - English Language Development 1 & 2
- Mathematics - Algebra I, Algebra I GT, Geometry G/T, Algebra II G/T, and AP Statistics
- Computer Science, Engineering, and Technology Education - Exploring Computer Science & Foundations of Technology
- World Language - Spanish I & II, French I & II
The HCPSS Black Student Achievement Program Saturday Math Academy Fall Session is approaching!
This year, the BSAP Saturday Math Academy will offer an in-person enrichment program for Howard County Public School System students in all levels of math for grades 3-12 based on course availability. Registration will take place online Saturday, September 24, from 9 am - until capacity is reached. Class space is limited. Families can register by accessing the HCPSS Connect Website. For more information, please visit: BSAP Saturday Math Academy HCPSS News Post
BSAP SMA Fall 2022 Flyer (English)
BSAP SMA Fall 2022 Flyer (Spanish)
BSAP SMA Fall 2022 Flyer (Chinese)
BSAP SMA Fall 2022 Flyer (Korean)
Drop off items
We understand that there are times when your student forgets their lunch or instructional materials. We welcome you to deliver these materials to the front office. Please place your student’s name on a post-it and we will get it delivered to your student. We want to minimize the loss of instructional time from class. Unfortunately, we cannot allow for special deliveries of other items. Thank you for your understanding.
Please add us to your contacts!
- Front Office: 410-313-1506 (main number)
- Student Services: 410-313-1514
- Absences - Absence notes must be received in writing (email or note) from a parent/guardian within 5 days of an absence. Please send all attendance correspondence to:
- Late Arrivals - Students must be in first period by 7:40 am. Please make sure your child is accompanied into the building by either an adult or a note explaining the reason for the late arrival.
- Early Dismissal - If you have to take your child out of school early, please email, send your child in with a note for the front office, or call in advance. You MUST present your driver’s license when you arrive. A work ID is not valid.
- For Discretionary Absences (up to 3 per school year) see the form here. Please email the completed form to:
- For Religious Observances see the form here. Please forward this completed form to: